You’re worthy of nourishment without judgment, personalized exactly for you.

Learn to eat in a way that’s just right for you with a Tulsa-based nutritionist.

Have you ever felt like figuring out how to nourish yourself in this confusing world is kind of like being stuck on the worst amusement park ride ever?

Whenever it feels like the rollercoaster is ending, suddenly you get thrown into dizzying freefall. And no matter where the track takes you, there are twists and turns of mixed messages and expectations around every corner. 

Look like this, not like that. Don’t eat that, but not too much of this, and avoid that. But don’t forget to act this way, and fit into this box, and be sure to keep smiling!!

The worst part is that you didn’t even sign up for it—our culture just shoved a ticket in your hand and said, “Good luck!”

But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to stay on the ride. 

With some bravery and an expert guide, you can unbuckle yourself and break free.

Managing your nutrition can feel hard, and it’s not your fault.

Whatever you’re feeling is completely valid.

You’re not alone if you’ve spent hours staring at (or avoiding) the fridge, wondering what on earth you’re supposed to eat today. 

Or if you’ve always been told what you “should” (or shouldn’t) be eating, but never got the chance to figure out what you enjoy, what feels doable, or what actually works for your brain, body, and sensory preferences. 

Or if you feel like you’re drowning in a sea of conflicting advice and standards that seem to fit everyone else, but not you. “I feel like figuring out what and how to eat shouldn’t be so complicated. What’s wrong with me???”

The answer is: There’s nothing wrong with you. 

You’re a human being with individual needs, desires, experiences that shape the way you relate to food and your body. You’re unique, with your own preferences and sensitivities and challenges that no one else has fully understood. And you deserve to be nourished, safe, and supported, exactly as you are.

Inclusive nutrition therapy that nourishes your whole self

It’s not a diet, a “lifestyle change,” or a pre-printed list of rules to follow.

Nutrition therapy helps you to honor your own preferences and needs, and figure out how to eat in a way that’s just right for you

With compassionate, expert support from a dietitian, you can learn how to: 

    • Eat without following society’s rules or anyone else’s expectations
    • Explore foods in a way that feels safe to you 
    • Nourish yourself even when food feels confusing, scary, or shameful
    • Make a manageable plan for preparing meals, even if (especially if!) you feel overwhelmed by cooking, grocery shopping, or even remembering to eat
    • Just be in the body you’re in, and find more ease in your own skin 

Here, there’s no box to fit into or standard to live up to. It’s all about finding a way to nourish yourself that feels safe, satisfying, and truly sustainable.

Here’s how nutrition therapy works

Compassionate, consistent support

At Simply You Nutrition, we understand that it can take some support to shift your relationship to food and your body, and that’s why we’re here for you with personalized, inclusive nutrition therapy services.


Initial Session (virtual; for Oklahoma residents)

75 minutes

Your initial session allows us to start getting to know each other and helps us learn about your unique story. 

We’ll begin with an assessment that covers several aspects of your life experience: your values, medical and mental health history, food and body story, exercise and activity, and more. We provide a brave space for you to share, and you decide what’s comfortable to bring up and process through. 

Working together, we’ll identify your specific needs and the first steps of your support plan. This is the beginning of your journey to greater food and body trust.

Follow-up Session (virtual; for Oklahoma residents)

60 minutes

After we begin working together, we’re here for you with 60-minute follow-up sessions. They’re a space for you to discuss your challenges and experiences and for us to share the insights, tools, and resources to best support you. We’ll help you celebrate your progress, work through any concerns, and set intentions for your continued journey. 

Yes, we’ll talk about food groups, but it’s so much more than that. We might list out types of portable snacks that you enjoy, and brainstorm specific ways you can remember to pack and eat them. We might do a tasting activity to help figure out what textures you enjoy in a low-pressure way. We might work on a step-by-step system for shopping and meal prep that works for your budget and your brain. 

Typically, we start with weekly sessions to build momentum, and then can space them out over time as you hit your stride.

Payment details:

Simply You Nutrition accepts insurance and also offers self-payment options. If you don’t have insurance or your insurance doesn’t include coverage for medical nutrition therapy, you may self-pay for services following our equity pricing options.

We offer equity pricing as part of our commitment to transparency and equitable access to our services. Historically, dietetics (along with our culture!) has taken a white-, cisgender-, and thin-centered approach to health, leaving many people struggling to access care and get support.

We know there are many circumstances that might affect your own ability to access care, like: 

  • Ability/Disability
  • Body size
  • Community support
  • Educational opportunities
  • Gender identity
  • Individual and family income
  • Race and ethnicity 
  • Sexual orientation

With this in mind, we invite you to choose the equity pricing option that’s accessible and appropriate for you. (You’ll be able to indicate it when you request an appointment.) 

INITIAL SESSION (75 minutes):

Standard Rate Billed to Insurance — $220

Self-Pay — Option A: $220  | Option B: $180  | Option C: $140

FOLLOW-UP SESSION (60 minutes):

Standard Rate Billed to Insurance — $160

Self-Pay — Option A: $160  | Option B: $130  | Option C: $100

“Working with Sydney to break down food and body image myths is one of the best things I have done for myself.”

I have learned that my worth and my health are not tied to my appearance or my food choices, I can trust my body and the signals that it sends to me, and body acceptance frees up my mind to experience life fully. She is so gentle and has helped me turn around my internal dialog from being critical to curious. I wish all of the women in my life had Sydney to help break them out of the toxic hold that diet culture has on many of us.” 

– Laura

Meet Sydney, registered dietitian and diet culture crusher

I’m right by your side along the journey. 

Are you trying to figure out how to eat in a way that actually works for you in a confusing world… that’s mostly designed for one type of imaginary “average” person… that tells you how you eat or how you look is wrong?

I get it. I’ve been there. And that’s why I founded Simply You Nutrition. 

I’m here to help everyday people (like you!) access inclusive care that celebrates your whole self and nourishes your body, mind, and spirit. 

Even though our culture does an A+ job at messing with our brains and bodies, there’s one thing I know for sure—you are the expert on you. Your identity, your values, and all of your unique experiences make you who you are. Instead of rules about what to eat or expectations about how you should look, you deserve knowledgeable, compassionate care that puts you at the center. At Simply You Nutrition, we’re here to collaborate with and guide you, with your consent and comfort as a priority. 

We’re not “just” about food and bodies here. We’re about liberation from the energy-drain that is diet culture so that you’re free to enjoy the things in life that really matter to you. And together, we’re creating a world that celebrates all bodies and cares equitably for all people.

Frequently Asked Questions

We welcome your questions! Healing is personal, and you deserve all the info.


If I don’t have an eating disorder or major nutrition concerns, is nutrition therapy right for me?

You don’t have to have a diagnosed eating disorder to seek out nutrition therapy. If you’re not comfortable with your relationship to food and/or your body, that’s all the reason you need.

What if I do have an eating disorder diagnosis?

You are so welcome here, and we have the expertise to support you. Please check out our Eating Disorder Treatment page for lots of information about how we can work together.

I’ve heard about Intuitive Eating… is this that?

Not exactly! In theory, Intuitive Eating is great, but it’s not necessarily accessible to everyone (for example, people with particular sensory preferences and needs, people who aren’t able to connect with hunger cues, and neurodivergent people who just don’t really see themselves represented there, among others). 

For those reasons, we center our conversations and approach around you, not around anyone else’s set of guidelines or principles. (I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, though, so I have many tools in my toolbox to draw on for you.)

Am I going to lose or gain weight when I work with you?

Simply You Nutrition is a weight-inclusive practice, and we don’t prescribe weight loss. We offer support with and encourage sustainable, health-promoting behaviors regardless of your current weight status or body shape. Healing your relationship with food and your body might or might not affect your weight, but our work together isn’t focused on changing your shape or size.

Do you have experience working with people of different life stages, races, genders, and identities?

Yes! Our goal is to create a brave space where you’re welcome and encouraged to bring your full self to the table. We believe deeply that nutrition therapy should be inclusive and equitable, provided through a weight-inclusive, gender-affirming, anti-racist, and anti-oppression approach. So that’s what we do! And we consistently seek out more education and training to help us offer you the best support possible. 

We know that every individual has their own culture, identity, experiences, and inner wisdom that are all relevant to their care. We support you within our expertise while valuing and trusting your self-expertise.

Do you work with children?

Hi there! Thank you for asking and advocating so hard for your child, but unfortunately this one’s a “no.” Simply You Nutrition clinicians specialize in inclusive nutrition therapy for independent adults 18 years of age and older.

If you’d like some assistance connecting with a registered dietitian in Oklahoma that does specialize in pediatric care for inclusive nutrition therapy and works with children, please reach out to us here. (You can submit your question through our “Have a general inquiry or question?” form.)

Are sessions in-person, virtual, or both?

All services are conducted through virtual video calls, either through Practice Better, our HIPAA-compliant electronic health record, or our HIPAA-compliant Zoom account. 

Since services are virtual, can I use an app to access them?

Yes! You can use Practice Better, a HIPAA-compliant app, to access nutrition therapy with Simply You Nutrition. Here’s the link to the app: https://practicebetter.io/features/mobile-app/. You can attend your sessions, schedule new sessions, and interact with your practitioner from anywhere!

Prefer using a desktop? Not to worry! You can always access your client portal on a desktop through this link.

How often will we meet? How long does this process usually take?

Your needs are unique, so the length of care is highly individual and depends on your specific circumstances. Many clients work with us for about 6-9 months, but some have worked with us for longer and some for only a few weeks. 

We’ll discuss the frequency and timing of sessions to best fit your needs. Usually, we’ll begin with weekly sessions early on to build momentum, and then we’ll evaluate progress regularly and space out sessions when you start to hit your stride. This process takes time and introspection, and we’ll work together every step of the way!

Can I work with Simply You Nutrition if I don't live in Oklahoma?

Hi neighbor! We so wish we could support you, but unfortunately this one’s a “no.” Simply You Nutrition clinicians are licensed to provide medical nutrition therapy only to residents of Oklahoma and are unable to provide medical nutrition therapy to individuals residing outside of Oklahoma.

I’ve heard a lot about nutritionists before. Why is it important for me to work with a registered dietitian (RD) - also known as a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN)?

We know that trusting us with your health and well-being is a big deal, and you deserve the most safe, quality nutrition care. 

You might be surprised to know that there’s actually no standard definition for “nutritionist”! Registered dietitians/registered dietitian nutritionists, on the other hand, are food and nutrition experts who must meet certain standards to be credentialed to practice.

We must have…

  • Completed a Baccalaureate, Master’s, or Doctoral degree in the approved course work at an accredited university
  • Completed a competitive and accredited supervised practice program (an internship) typically running six to twelve months in length
  • Passed a national examination administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (RD or RDN)
  • Actively maintain continuing professional education requirements
  • And in Oklahoma, be licensed (LD/LDN) by the Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.

All of this education, experience, and licensing means that we can offer you professional, thorough, and safe nutrition support. 


Do you take insurance?

Yes! Here are the details:

Simply You Nutrition, PLLC accepts Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield of Oklahoma, Cigna, HealthChoice, and UnitedHealthcare insurance for medical nutrition therapy (nutrition therapy). Please note that we are a medical (NOT behavioral health!) provider, as that detail may be relevant to your insurance benefits. 

If you’re contracted with another insurance company, we’re more than happy to provide you with a “superbill” to submit to your insurance company with their claim form for potential reimbursement for your sessions. (Please note, though, that the superbill doesn’t guarantee reimbursement.)

>> Grab our insurance script to check your benefits!

How can I pay for your services if I'm not using insurance benefits?

Simply You Nutrition accepts insurance and also offers self-payment options. If you don’t have insurance or your insurance doesn’t include coverage for medical nutrition therapy, you may self-pay for services following our equity pricing options.

We offer equity pricing as part of our commitment to transparency and equitable access to our services. Historically, dietetics (along with our culture!) has taken a white-, cisgender-, and thin-centered approach to health, leaving many people struggling to access care and get support.

We know there are many circumstances that might affect your own ability to access care, like: 

  • Ability/Disability
  • Body size
  • Community support
  • Educational opportunities
  • Gender identity
  • Individual and family income
  • Race and ethnicity 
  • Sexual orientation

With this in mind, we invite you to choose the equity pricing option (listed by each service) that’s accessible and appropriate for you. (You’ll be able to indicate it when you request an appointment.) 

To self-pay, we accept all major credit cards and Health Savings Account (HSA)/Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards as forms of payment, and self-pay services must be paid upfront at the time of service.

Payment plans are not available for nutrition therapy services.

Do you have any information on the No Surprises Act and Good Faith Estimates?

We sure do, friend! Downloadable PDFs can be found at the links below:

Disclosure Notice Regarding Patient Protections Against Surprise Billing

Right to Receive a Good Faith Estimate of Expected Charges

(Quick summary: Simply You Nutrition, PLLC is transparent in our service pricing, happy to provide clients with Good Faith Estimates, and do not engage in balance billing.)

Do you offer refunds?

Services aren’t eligible for substitutions, exchanges, or refunds. When purchased and/or rendered, our services are final sale.

What are your privacy practices?

Your sessions are held in utmost confidence. We use a release form to obtain your permission to speak to other members of your care team (such as your physician, therapist, or psychiatrist).

For transparency, we’ve provided a copy of our HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices.

Take a step towards healing and nourishment that’s true-to-you.