I’m Sydney, a weight-inclusive, neuro-affirming dietitian for everyday people.

And your whole self is welcome here.

Have you ever felt like what seems to work for everyone else just… doesn’t work for you?

I’m no stranger to that feeling, either.

So much of what we see out there makes it look like there’s only One Right Way for your body to be, One Right Way to eat, and One Right Way for your brain to work.

And let’s face it—those “rules” and standards leave a lot of us out. (Probably even most of us!) But where can you go, then, for nutrition support that’s designed to fit YOU, instead of designed to fit you into a box?

I created Simply You Nutrition to be exactly that place of support, and I’m so glad you’re here.


"Sydney is amazingly supportive and so easy to talk to. I always felt that she actually gave a damn about me and my experiences.

She listened and was insistent about being able to fully understand my needs, especially when I struggled to convey my feelings. She taught me about being gentle to myself.

Sydney is energetic and caring, and she loves to help people. If you think for a moment that you could benefit from working with an RD who understands eating disorders, Intuitive Eating, and Health at Every Size, then Sydney is the person for you. 100% recommendation.” – Rachel

Meet Your Dietitian

Sydney Cavero-Egúsquiza, MS, RD/LD (she/her)

  • 11+ years of experience as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist
  • 6+ years of experience as a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
  • 6+ years of experience working with individuals living with eating disorders
  • BS and MS, Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University
  • Member of the International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians, Eating Disorder Registered Dietitians & Professionals, and the Association for Size Diversity and Health

And other unofficial titles I hold: 

  • Proud Diet Culture-Crusher
  • Inclusivity Advocate
  • Honorary Disney Cast Member (okay, not really, but I wish!)

I believe everyone deserves to feel safe, well-nourished, and at home in their body.

But early in my career as a registered dietitian, I began to see how some typical dietary recommendations often ignored other really important factors. 

Some people don’t have easy access to certain types of foods, due to their budget or even where they live. Some people don’t experience hunger cues like the “average” person, so it’s hard to figure out how to eat “intuitively.” Some people have sensory needs that have never been respected, so they’ve always just been seen or labeled as a “picky eater.” 

And all the while, things like weight stigma, racism, and other systems of oppression can harm our health, and none of those can be “fixed” by a simple diet. 

First I was frustrated, and then I got fired up, and Simply You Nutrition was born.

I’m not a dietitian just to make nutrition recommendations—I’m a dietitian because I care about you (and tearing down barriers to care) so very much. I’m here to validate your experience, advocate for you, and help you feel more safe to be exactly who you are.

This is your one-of-a-kind journey—you shouldn’t have to hide any parts of your identity or deal with the worry that judgment is standing between you and healing. When you choose me as your clinician, I show up to our relationship with all of the respect, encouragement, and insight I can possibly bring.

A few more things you might like to know about me and what it’s like to work together: 

I’m Autistic, and I have ADHD, so I get what it’s like to have a brain that works differently. 

And as a dietitian, this unique brain helps me listen super carefully, stay even-keeled even when you share Big Scary Things, and happily try something new to help you feel comfortable (even if it might seem weird). You’re not weird!

I have lived experience with ARFID, so I personally understand that for plenty of people, eating can be a sensitive and complicated experience. 

This means that I take your preferences, needs, and experiences seriously—I won’t brush them off or minimize what you feel. I’m here to help you figure out ways of nourishing yourself that actually work for the unique individual you are. 

I care about who YOU are, and what’s right for you, way more than trying to follow a one-size-fits-all care plan. 

I honor your goals and needs and consistently ask for your consent throughout our work together. I work really hard to share clear expectations, so there’ll be as few surprises as possible. I don’t make assumptions about who you are or what you want. And I check in regularly, both before and during sessions, to make plenty of space for you to share as you choose. 

Above all, I’m here to help you find the freedom in learning to be simply you—joyfully, powerfully, uniquely yourself. 

Inside Simply You Nutrition

Here’s what we’re all about.

Our mission makes us jump for joy: to help everyday people just like you heal from the harms of diet culture, powerfully reconnect with your sense of self, and trust your body.

And we work every day towards our vision (goosebumps!): to cultivate a brave and whole community of individuals owning their power by creating accessible facilities and resources, growing a knowledgeable team of practitioners, and becoming the leading HAES®-aligned and inclusive practice in Oklahoma. 

And here’s what we’re committed to. 

Dietetics has historically taken a white-, cisgender-, and thin-centered approach to health with little awareness of intersecting forms of oppression and the ways they impact people’s well-being. Anti-fat bias, racism, genderism, ableism, and unequal access to care all influence health in profound ways, but dietetics has long prioritized weight loss as a blanket solution. Meanwhile, training for registered dietitians has historically focused exclusively on clinical expertise without consideration for clients’ own lived experiences and insights. 

At Simply You Nutrition, we’re committed to changing dietetics for the better by standing against oppression and providing weight-inclusive care that recognizes every client as the individual they are. 

We do this by…

  • Centering your agency and autonomy and trusting you as the expert of you own body 
  • Embracing your identity, culture, and lived experiences, using these insights to provide more supportive and informed care
  • Actively seeking out and implementing ongoing education about oppression, intersectionality, underrepresented cultures and identities, and the many -isms that marginalize people in our field and in our culture
  • Offering equity pricing to help clients of different backgrounds, identities, and income levels access care
  • Practicing an open-hearted, accountable approach to relationships, where we welcome and thank others for feedback, educate ourselves about ways to do better, and collaborate to help heal any harm when we misstep

We’re creating a brave space where everyday people can improve their quality of life and discover a healing journey that’s right for them. Together, we’re working in service of a world that celebrates all bodies and cares equitably for all people.

Are you in?

Take the next step in your food and body image healing journey with us.

Explore eating disorder treatment

Discover nutrition therapy

Deepen my dietetics career